Invited to International Poster design exhibition of Global virus consciousness / Mexico / 2020

Global awareness is an exhibition of posters with the visual participation of artists from around the world that address some of the meanings, interpretations or reflections regarding the concept of the epidemic as prevention and global change in these moments of crisis where human beings show your best side in the fight against COVID-19. Empathy, social awareness arises to save lives, makes the entire global community together mobilize entire countries to combat the pandemic, and the central theme is collective awareness of COVID-19.The world stands still in the face of the coronavirus and the air cleanses – that could save more people than the virus kills.In the midst of the crisis caused by the new coronavirus, the slowdown that global society is undergoing hints at a clear beneficiary of this pandemic: the environment, which is alleviated proportionally to the slowdown in the rampant pace of human life.”This is not just a public health crisis, it is a crisis that will affect all sectors, so all sectors and all individuals must participate in the fight.” – “We are together in this”.In this scenario that could lead to demoralization, we have to open our eyes and conscience to realize that when mistakes are over, what is saving the affected countries is solidarity and the implementation of the human feeling of collective survival. , actions that break the systemic logic of individualism and selfishness, returning to the initial point of the peoples; social and collective organization is the formula of salvation for humanity in the face of the crises to come. Only human consciousness can reverse the continuing threat we face in these times.that is why we invite you to reflect through the poster in this virtual exhibition.

References for This Event at Cyberspace

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